5/24/16: An Edgy Bet on Solar (SEDG)

The Energy Strategist has added SolarEdge Technologies (NASDAQ: SEDG) to the Growth Portfolio. Buy below $25.

For more information, please see the latest Energy Strategist Weekly.  

Stock Talk

Michael Dunn

Michael Dunn

Careful with Linda’s recommendations . I have 5 of her 8 stocks. I’m down on all of them including Solar Edge. The three I don’t have are up.

Phil Ash

Phil Ash

Hi Michael, Sorry to hear that. We each have our own entry points and our investing pain is very personal. So I don’t mean to diminish your situation. I’ll just point out that Linda’s 7 open trades in her PCA service have an average gain of 1.25%. Solar City is by far the worst with a 29.5% loss, although she (and Igor) are bullish on it. Her other service, Growth Stock Strategist, has an average gain of 6.9% on her open positions. Every one of her positions in both services were initiated in 2016, while the S&P has been flat.

Michael Dunn

Michael Dunn

My entry points are lower than her original recommendation. Still watching for the big boost she thinks is coming. Hope she is right.



You wrote that one of the reaons solar stocks dived was that regulatory uncertainty caused the demand for solar panels to go do down. Wouldn´t that mean that also the demand for inverters is going down? So I don´t understand why this shouldn´t weigh on SEDG the same way? Apart from that: what makes their inverters qualify as high tech? Are they different from those of other manufacturers?

Igor Greenwald


I hope you saw the followup in the last issue; I tried to address all those questions: http://www.investingdaily.com/energy-strategist/articles/25473/parsing-the-solar-gloom/

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