Trade Alert: CY
Buy Cypress Semiconductor (NASDAQ: CY)
We expect Cypress Semiconductor to be one of the beneficiaries of the serious fundamental flaws found in central processing units. More details to come in today’s upcoming update.
Note that we are recommending the purchase of the stock, not an option. In reference to our Three-Pot Trading System, this is considered a Pot-Two trade.
Stock Talk
I looked through the FAQ but could not find references to the three-pot trading system.
Would anyone be able to point me toward the description of this system? Thank you.
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It’s in an alert from late November:
Thank you! I appreciate you finding this for me.
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Scott Chan
Thank you very much Rick.
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I bought share of CY at $16.6284 on Fidelity just after 1:30 EST.
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Bought CY at $16.62 at Ally
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Bought CY at $16.62 on Fidelity
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George McMillion
Bought 1200 shares at $16.59 on Tda
Thank you, George
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Why Pot-Two trade? All pots are empty so it should be a Pot-One trade as you wrote in the alert from late November: “Now let’s suppose I close out pot A, the TLT option, before I have recommended another trade. Then the next trade I recommend would come from whatever funds are now in pot A.”
Sorry, i didn’t read your alert describing the details of your recommendation and why to use Pot-Two. Thanks!
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CY filled today for 16.66 @ Fidelity
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I bought CY yesterday. However, I did not use any margin. I have had a margin balance before, but as soon as I sold something or received dividends, the margin balance was reduced. I imagine this is by design and I am perfectly happy with that. My question though is, what if one wants to maintain their cash balance and yet use margin to purchase a stock such as CY. How does one “instruct/authorize” TDAmeritrade through their website or thinkorswim to use margin directly when they already have a cash balance?
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