ID Analysts

Our seasoned team of analysts continually monitors investment opportunities around the world, to provide investors with the widest possible array of money-making ideas.

Analyst Articles

Today’s article provides an overview of the cheapest steel stocks in the stock market. Why bother with steel stocks? Normally the financial media isn’t interested because they are boring stocks that aren’t about sexy headlines. They are investments that are beholden to economic cycles. Still, because of the Chinese trade… Read More

Options contracts tend to decrease in value as they get closer to expiration. That’s called time-decay. Simply put: you can lose money with options even if you make the right call about the underlying security but ignore time-decay. On the other hand, you can also let time-decay work in your… Read More

How much does an option change in value as its underlying stock price moves one way or the other? The answer to that is the delta calculation. Delta is one of “the Greeks.” Those are statistical values that give you important info about options. Other Greeks include theta, vega,… Read More

How would you like to profit from a stock that moves significantly in either direction? If so, then consider the long strangle strategy. The key here is that you need large movement in the underlying stock for the trade to be profitable. It doesn’t matter which way the stock moves,… Read More

Let me say this now: penny stocks are for speculators only. Even the cheapest penny stocks make for the worst securities in the stock market. Penny stocks offer ownership positions in companies that have extremely low chances of success. Penny stocks also have a higher chance of being manipulated via… Read More

Today’s article explains the differences of 401Ks and stocks. This is a great article for investors who are unclear on exactly how stocks get traded, and where retirement comes into play regarding stock investing. Publicly traded companies issue ownership shares of what’s called “common stock”, and each share represents an… Read More

Today’s article examines the differences between equities vs. stocks. They are almost the same thing, so we’ll mostly be dealing with semantics. Nevertheless, having this kind of basic information is important to know as part of a comprehensive education. Equity investment means ownership in a company. You buy equity when… Read More