The Rukeyser 100

On The Move

Walthausen Small Cap Value (WSCVX) has shifted from the Long-Term Growth category to the Small Company category. The fund’s most recent portfolio data showed that the average market capitalization for its holdings is $809 million, compared to about $2 billion for a typical fund in the Long-Term Growth category.

Matthews India (MINDX) returned to the Rukeyser 100 after a six month hiatus. During that time, China’s markets significantly outperformed India. However, China’s government has enacted a cocktail of measures to cool its hot asset markets, which will slow the country’s economic growth. Nonetheless, Investors should remain cautious about India as high food price inflation threatens economic growth.

Fidelity Convertible Securities (FCVSX) dropped off The Rukeyser 100 this month in favor of less aggressive fare. The fund’s concentrated portfolio of about 25 holdings has been an asset in the past periods. But a heavy concentration in the energy sector—which accounts for almost half of the fund’s investable assets—has dragged performance as energy prices have pulled back in recent months.

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