Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce is the Chief Investment Strategist of Personal Finance, our flagship publication, and manages two trading services, PF Pro and Mayhem Trader. He began his career as a stockbroker in 1983 and over the years has managed client investment portfolios for major banks, brokerage firms, and investment advisors. Jim earned a BA from The College of William & Mary and the CFP designation from the College of Financial Planning.

Analyst Articles

If there is any doubt about the overall mood of the stock market heading into this Wednesday’s presumed Fed rate hike, consider this: For the first time in as long as I can remember, all but three of our 38 portfolio holdings lost value last week, including all nine of… Read More

The stock market has barely budged since Thanksgiving, with the S&P 500 Index up just 0.1% over the past two weeks. This is supposed to be the time of the year when portfolio managers are furiously unloading their underperforming stocks and replacing them with this year’s clear winners to make… Read More

The stock market has barely budged since Thanksgiving, with the S&P 500 Index up just 0.1% over the past two weeks. This is supposed to be the time of the year when portfolio managers are furiously unloading their underperforming stocks and replacing them with this year’s clear winners to make… Read More

With today being “Cyber Monday” – the day when tech savvy consumers take advantage of deep discounts on their favorite gadgets to fill out their holiday wish list – it’s only fitting that we look at some oversold tech stocks to determine if there are any bargains in the bin. Read More

With today being “Cyber Monday” – the day when tech savvy consumers take advantage of deep discounts on their favorite gadgets to fill out their holiday wish list – it’s only fitting that we look at some oversold tech stocks to determine if there are any bargains in the bin. Read More

A common question asked last week was, why is the stock market going up when there is so much bad news overseas? With the threat of continuing terrorist activity in Europe, the implication was that everyone should be hiding their money under a mattress until order is restored. Actually, that’s… Read More

A common question asked last week was, why is the stock market going up when there is so much bad news overseas? With the threat of continuing terrorist activity in Europe, the implication was that everyone should be hiding their money under a mattress until order is restored. Actually, that’s… Read More