Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce is the Chief Investment Strategist of Personal Finance, our flagship publication, and manages two trading services, PF Pro and Mayhem Trader. He began his career as a stockbroker in 1983 and over the years has managed client investment portfolios for major banks, brokerage firms, and investment advisors. Jim earned a BA from The College of William & Mary and the CFP designation from the College of Financial Planning.

Analyst Articles

I am often asked why our algorithmic, or formula-based approach to picking stocks for Systematic Wealth, works so much better than most other investing systems. The answer is complicated, but also helpful in understanding why a passive approach to investing in the stock market will no longer work as well… Read More

Martin Zweig may not have been born a great investor, but it took him less time than perhaps any other guru we follow to start making himself into one.Thanks to a birthday gift from his uncle of six shares of General Motors stock, Zweig was just 13 years old when… Read More

Say the words “great stock market strategist” to most people and the image that probably pops into their heads is some variation of Gordon Gekko, Michael Douglas’s slick, egomaniacal, Armani-wearing, greed-is-good-preaching character in the movie Wall Street. They’ll likely envision a smooth-talking wheeler-dealer, someone with more cash than he knows… Read More

In his 1996 book What Works on Wall Street, James O’Shaughnessy detailed what may be the most in-depth quantitative stock market study in history, one in which he used Standard & Poor’s high-powered Compustat computer database to back-test the performance of dozens of stock-picking approaches over more than four decades,… Read More

When it comes to the great Peter Lynch, you don’t need to look too far past these three pairs of numbers to understand why he’s known as one of history’s greatest investors:8 and 29.2. From 1977 to 1990, the period that Lynch oversaw Fidelity Investments’ Magellan Fund, the S&P 500… Read More

One of the keys to beating the market over the long haul is having a strategy that looks at a stock from multiple perspectives. Whether it’s the relatively simple four-variable O’Shaughnessy growth model or the more in-depth, 13-variable David Dreman approach, these strategies examine a stock from more than one… Read More

Benjamin Graham is generally regarded by stock market historians as the most accomplished investor of all time, often referred to as “the father of value investing.” In short, he was Warren Buffett before Warren Buffett. His opinions were often quoted, his decisions made millions for those whose money he handled,… Read More

If you’re at all familiar with the stock market you almost surely have some knowledge of the price-earnings ratio. For decades, the P/E ratio has been the most frequently used and discussed stock analysis ratio. The P/E ratio is determined by dividing a stock’s per-share price by the amount of… Read More

The son of the chief trader at a large commodity firm in Winnipeg, Canada, Dreman started on the road to investment management at an early age. Born in 1936, he has long been fascinated with the stock market, and would often accompany his father to the floor of the exchange… Read More

In his book, John Neff on Investing, Neff himself indicates that who he is and his choice of overlooked investments are, at least to some degree, intertwined. Born in 1931, Neff said his early years taught him that success is never automatic. His parents divorced when he was just four… Read More