Benjamin Shepherd

Benjamin Shepherd is a recognized exchange-traded fund (ETF), mutual fund and stock expert with an extensive background analyzing time-tested funds, including their managers and strategies. Ben looks for investments that have proven themselves in both bull and bear markets. Ben also specializes in covering emerging markets, pinpointing the most dynamic investments in developing nations for market-beating growth.

Ben is an analyst for Global Income Edge and regularly contributes to Personal Finance, Investing Daily’s flagship product. 

Analyst Articles

When we first started sounding the alarm on inflation a year ago, it was a problem that was barely on anyone’s radar as the Consumer Price Index was rising at just 1.4%. Many were more concerned about the possibility of deflation than the risk that prices could start rising out… Read More

Global Investment Strategist recommends selling Ecopetrol (NYSE: EC). Despite being one of the most successful oil operations in Latin America, it suffers from a political discount. While the Colombian government is in advanced negotiations to bring the nation’s largest guerrilla group into the fold, most investors are still skeptical. Many… Read More

Global Investment Strategist recommends, with reluctance, selling Companhia de Saneamento Basico (NYSE: SBS), more commonly known as Sabesp. The company supplies water and sewage services. While its construction expenses to help Brazil prepare for the World Cup hurt earnings,  they’re a temporary drag that will reap benefits in the future. Read More