This commodity play should reap royal rewards, as rising natural gas prices make coal more appealing. Read More

Benjamin Shepherd is a recognized exchange-traded fund (ETF), mutual fund and stock expert with an extensive background analyzing time-tested funds, including their managers and strategies. Ben looks for investments that have proven themselves in both bull and bear markets. Ben also specializes in covering emerging markets, pinpointing the most dynamic investments in developing nations for market-beating growth.
Ben is an analyst for Global Income Edge and regularly contributes to Personal Finance, Investing Daily’s flagship product.
Analyst Articles
Commodity stocks took it on the chin last year, but we’re confident that the sector will get off the ropes and start swinging again. Read More
Despite the latest legal tempest that’s swirling around China’s biggest auditors, our portfolio holdings in the country should weather the storm. Read More
For most investors, the best way to get involved in the currency markets is through funds, either open-ended mutual funds or exchange-traded funds. One of my favorite currency investment vehicles is Merk Absolute Return Currency Fund (MABFX, 866-637-5386). I’m adding Merk Absolute Return Currency Fund to the Thrive Portfolio as… Read More
Here's our favorite currency play, to profit from inflation's re-emergence in 2014. Read More
Here’s our report card for the past year, with a spotlight on the best and worst performers in our portfolios. Read More
After helping make diamonds synonymous with love, Tiffany & Co (NYSE: TIF) now makes a great hedge against inflation. The diamond industry’s multiyear marketing campaign changed the institution of marriage forever, by equating love with the enduring perfection of a diamond. In the process, jewelers have reaped plenty of gold. Read More
Here's a look at emerging market tech stars that sometimes get short shrift from investors. Read More
This sturdy Nordic telecom is a rare bargain set to soar, as its Asian subscriber base grows. Read More
Despite rising interest rates Wells Fargo & Co (NYSE: WFC) just reported record fourth-quarter and full year profits for 2013. Investors have been underwhelmed by the news though, with shares opening the day off by nearly 1.5 percent though they’re steadily making up that lost ground. We continue to have… Read More