Benjamin Shepherd

Benjamin Shepherd is a recognized exchange-traded fund (ETF), mutual fund and stock expert with an extensive background analyzing time-tested funds, including their managers and strategies. Ben looks for investments that have proven themselves in both bull and bear markets. Ben also specializes in covering emerging markets, pinpointing the most dynamic investments in developing nations for market-beating growth.

Ben is an analyst for Global Income Edge and regularly contributes to Personal Finance, Investing Daily’s flagship product. 

Analyst Articles

I remain rather skeptical of that claim that retail sales in China were up 13.4 percent last month after a 13.2 percent year-over-year increase in July.In fact, about the only companies that are upbeat and reporting sales growth are luxury goods retailers, whose customers are wealthy enough to… Read More

Red flags in earnings reports, and a Dutch auction primer From healthcare to financial accountability, US corporations are facing a slew of new regulations. Topping the list are the mandates of the “Affordable Care Act” (aka Obamacare) as well as the “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,” both signed into law in 2010. Read More

This spring, we alerted you to the likelihood of rising US interest rates, the threat to bonds, and the potential for rising inflation. While the Federal Reserve may start to curtail its stimulus program this fall, we think such tapering will be too little, too late. The once-distant threat of rising inflation has become very real.   Read More

Most people have been taught that investment markets are efficient at all times, and when there’s an anomaly, it gets arbitraged away pretty quickly. But there’s a persistent anomaly called “post-earnings announcement drift” (PEAD), which is usually not immediately arbitraged away because of human nature. It’s this anomaly that we take advantage of. of a dividend The undervalued favorites of a dividend devotee Read More