Benjamin Shepherd

Benjamin Shepherd is a recognized exchange-traded fund (ETF), mutual fund and stock expert with an extensive background analyzing time-tested funds, including their managers and strategies. Ben looks for investments that have proven themselves in both bull and bear markets. Ben also specializes in covering emerging markets, pinpointing the most dynamic investments in developing nations for market-beating growth.

Ben is an analyst for Global Income Edge and regularly contributes to Personal Finance, Investing Daily’s flagship product. 

Analyst Articles

With its low production costs for natural gas that now roughly stand at breakeven, Cimarex could easily surpass expectations if natural gas prices conform to the forecast and remain above $4 per MMBtu for the foreseeable future. This company is a solid, conservative play on rising natural gas prices. I’m… Read More

We’ve entered into new territory. In early May, the US stock market hit new record highs for the first time this century. And for this, let us now praise Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff (“R&R”), two Harvard economists whose book propped up the fiscal austerity movement.   Read More

Rarely have real estate investment trusts (REIT) enjoyed such an alignment of the stars. Low interest rates mean REITs have access to cheap, abundant financing. Steady, if slow, economic growth means rising demand for their properties. And REITs continue to pay attractive dividends. Read More