Benjamin Shepherd

Benjamin Shepherd is a recognized exchange-traded fund (ETF), mutual fund and stock expert with an extensive background analyzing time-tested funds, including their managers and strategies. Ben looks for investments that have proven themselves in both bull and bear markets. Ben also specializes in covering emerging markets, pinpointing the most dynamic investments in developing nations for market-beating growth.

Ben is an analyst for Global Income Edge and regularly contributes to Personal Finance, Investing Daily’s flagship product. 

Analyst Articles

Although we anticipated the market’s recent pullback and expect it to continue, most of the economic headwinds are likely transitory. While a defensive posture is warranted, there’s no need for investors to go to cash. Read More

This star fund manager’s initial foray into the ETF space has already attracted substantial assets since the ETF’s launch last month. Even better, the ETF is generally cheaper than its mutual fund counterpart and has also outperformed it thus far. Read More

Although Obamacare remains controversial, prudent investors should put politics aside and determine how to profit from the law should it withstand the Supreme Court’s scrutiny. While opponents of the law were heartened by last week’s arguments before the Supreme Court, the market’s behavior suggests that it expects the law will ultimately receive the court’s affirmation. Read More

Despite suffering a substantial backlash in the wake of Japan’s Fukushima disaster, nuclear power is still the most cost-effective way for emerging markets to meet energy demand. Indeed, the need for affordable energy will likely overcome anxiety about the possibility of a nuclear accident. Read More

Last month, the head of the European Central Bank (ECB) announced that ECB economists predict the region’s economy will contract by 0.1 percent this year. While the prospect of a eurozone recession came as no surprise—economists around the world have been forecasting a European recession in 2012 for the better… Read More

China is in the process of shifting from an export-driven economy to a consumer-driven economy. So while Chinese policymakers may attempt to keep inflation in check, they still need their economy to generate considerable growth to engineer this transition. Read More