Maple Leaf Memo
Great Big Profits From the Great White North
Many Americans have no idea that the investment opportunity of a lifetime is sitting right in our backyard. Read on to learn how my Maple Leaf Memo e-letter can help you reap big profits in Canadian investing absolutely FREE.
From Alberta’s oil sands to the tech firms of southern Ontario, Deon Vernooy knows the country’s best investment opportunities inside and out. Sign up for Maple Leaf Memo and get his expert advice sent to your inbox every week FREE.
Fellow Investor,
Cash-rich companies that pay sky-high dividends. The world’s strongest banking system. And, to top it all off, an oil and gas sector that is poised to rake in soaring profits.
If this sounds like some kind of faraway investing fantasyland to you, think again. It’s all right across the border—in Canada. That’s right: This massive profit opportunity is sitting right under our noses—and few Americans even know about it.
My name is Deon Vernooy, and I’d like to show you how you can make huge, low-risk gains in Canadian investing. And it couldn’t be easier to do.
When you sign up for my FREE Maple Leaf Memo e-letter, I become your eyes and ears on Canada’s rapidly changing economy, showing you how to spot the Canadian stocks that are poised to profit from today’s biggest trends—and avoid the ones that are headed for the rocks.As I mentioned, few Americans have tapped into these Canadian investing opportunities. But more investors will certainly clue in as they look for ways to profit despite sluggish U.S. and Eurozone growth.
That makes now the perfect time to add some of the best Canadian stocks to your portfolio. Give yourself the edge and sign up for my FREE Maple Leaf Memo e-letter today.
Deon Vernooy,
Chief Investment Strategist, Maple Leaf Memo
Forbes ranked Canada the world’s #1 place to do business for a reason. The country’s low taxes, diverse economy and political stability have helped its companies earn big profits. And there’s no doubt that the best Canadian investing opportunities still lie ahead.
Now you can learn how to profit from these dividend dynamos every week—FREE—in Maple Leaf Memo. Don’t wait! Start your subscription now.