Sell Chemours Calls for 140%, 3-day Gain

Sell to close the April 21, 2017 call on The Chemours Company (CC) with a strike price of $29.00 at $4.49 or higher (Symbol (CC170421C29)) for a 140% gain in three short trading days.

Chemours bulls got a nice boost today due to a litigation settlement announced this morning. I still love the stock but know option gains like these don’t come along every day.

Stock Talk



Hi Linda, I got kinda of creative today. I had opened a $29-$34 April 21st call option spread on your initial recommendation with a cost of $1.30. 10 contract each side. So today when I saw pop before got your guidance I decided to move some money to sidelines but did it by buying the $34 calls closed and writting open some $31 calls. For that I got $1.50 credit, thus covering my initial investment plus roughly $200 gain. My thougth is I can sit and collect the $2.00 of in the money spread that I now still hold in April. I am not saying this is right thing today but curious your thoughts / feedback if that is a good strategy. Rgds, Doug.



HI Linda, can you give me your thoughts on the trade I articulated. pros/cons, why good, why mistake, etc…trying to learn more on this.

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

The option trades that I recommend are based purely on the expectation that a stock will hit a certain price at a certain date in the future. They are constructed based on fundamental analysis of the company’s financials. While the prices of the options are considered they are not the driving force behind the trade rationales.
There are other option services that focus on the actual option pricing and on generating income by selling options that are expected to expire worthless or buying those that are mispriced. I do not have the option expertise to analyze more complex option trades so really cannot give you an informed opinion on this trade.



Thank you for follow up Linda.

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Sounds like you have a call debit spread. If thats the case then you want to ensure at expiration the stock price remains above $34 and let the contracts get automatically exercised and assigned for the spread width of $5.00 p/contract, which would be a profit of $3.70 p/contract. As long as the stock remains above $34 it would be an excellent trade for a triple digit winner.


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