Put Triple Play (CBI, ACM, JEC)

I’m recommending a triple play of puts on infrastructure stocks. I’ve noted many times that these stocks have enjoyed a spectacular run on the expectations of a flood of fiscal funding for spending on roads and bridges.

I expect them all to trade lower as reality sets in that even the most anti-establishment government gets stuck in bureaucracy. A report on Feb. 23 that the Trump administration was considering a delay until 2018 for its infrastructure spending bill sent the stocks lower.

While the companies below have oozed optimism about the loosening of government purse strings, those dollars have yet to appear. Reports to date from most infrastructure stocks have been tepid at best. Jacobs Engineering and Aecom both reported earnings for the fourth quarter.

Backlog, the most critical indicator of future growth, showed little life for Jacobs and Aecom, when they reported fourth quarter earnings. I expect Chicago Bridge & Iron, who reports on Feb. 28, to mirror these mediocre growth rates.

I have chosen three of the most expensive stocks in the sector. Each trades with a P/E well above its expected earnings growth rate and should drop as the market resets expectations for 2017 growth.

Buy to open the March 24, 2017 put on Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI) with a strike price of $33.50 at $1.40 or lower. Symbol (CBI170324P33.5)

Buy to open the April 21, 2017 put on Aecom (ACM) with a strike price of $35.00 at $1.40 or lower. Symbol (ACM170421P35)

Buy to open the April 21, 2017 put on Jacobs Engineering (JEC) with a strike price of $55.00 at $1.75 or lower. Symbol (JEC170421P55)

Event: Chicago Bridge & Iron is one of the last infrastructure stocks to report. Its earnings will be on Feb. 28 after the market close with a call at 5pm.

Call: The webcast will be available on the Investor Relations page of www.CBI.com.

The conference call also can be accessed by telephone at 1-800-301-8321 (U.S.) or 1-706-634-2259 (outside the U.S.) with conference ID # 65287464.

Listen For:

Backlog- How much is it up or down from last year and how much is expected to be recognized over the next year. Companies often have very long term backlogged orders that can be adjusted or cancelled. We want to know how much will help 2017 profits.

Note: Shortly after publishing this alert, these puts were trading slightly above my price limits. The revised limit prices above reflect my latest guidance on this trade.

Stock Talk

Brad L

Brad L

Question on the CBI put. Is that March (4th week) or just the regular March?

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

It is the March 24 put for CBI. I thought the extra week would be helpful. The expiration dates should be included in the alert and are included as part of the option symbol (CBI170324P33.5). The format for the option symbols is: Ticker-year, month, date of expiration- P or C for put or call and then the strike price. Hope that helps.

Brad L

Brad L

That’s what I thought, but wanted to make sure. Thanks




All of the puts are currently trading at higher prices. I am assuming we should let the prices to come to us rather than chase, correct?

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

See my note above to Lee who asked the same. I think it’s find to move the price limit up by 20c on each which should allow you to be filled today. It’s always hard for me to find the best balance between a reasonable price to get filled and a good value, especially when the spreads are wide and the stocks haven’t opened for the day yet. I hope this helps.



Was able to buy CBI Mar 24 @ $1.45, ACM Apr 21 @1.43 and JEC Apr21 @1.75.

black arrow

black arrow

Hi Linda,
This is adding some excitement*!!
“I got the beat”
Cheers, and Thanks

Eugene K

Eugene K

I was able to buy CBI Mar24 @ $1.35, ACM Apr 21 @ $1.30 and JEC Apr 21 @ $1.40


Norbert Kastner

Norbert Kastner

why are all three puts up all of a sudden on monday feb 27 th

Norbert Kastner

Norbert Kastner

should i hold on or sell



I am holding for now.

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

President Trump tweeted that he has “a big” infrastructure announcement coming Tuesday when he addresses Congress. As I noted in the original recommendation it is becoming increasingly unlikely any infrastructure spending bill will pass soon. These companies are not seeing any signs of growth for 2017. I would hold the positions as I expect them to reverse as cooler heads prevail. This is the wild wild west with stock moving 3-4% on tweets.

Michael S.

Michael S.

JEC APR 21 2017 55.0 Put filled at $1.46
CBI MAR 24 2017 33.5 Put filled at $1.35
ACM APR 21 2017 35.0 Put at $0.90

black arrow

black arrow

Hi Linda,
I just read some news which I wonder if may affect put on JEC?
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (NYSE:JEC) has been selected as NASA’s Agency-Level 2016 Small Business Industry Award (SBIA) Large Business Prime Contractor of the Year. This is the second time in six years that Jacobs has received the award.

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

This is certainly an honor and reflects well on JEC’s reputation in the market but it does not change the earnings profile. JEC has won a few new contracts recently which is helpful but the stock is still way overpriced for the expected earnings. We have about a month to go on these puts before they lose their time value rapidly so I think we should be patient.

black arrow

black arrow

Thanks so much for the speedy reply, now I know what to do on JEC for sur – simply wait a bit. Thats a relief.
Jon Day



Hi Linda

The following 2 PUTS –
1. ACM 35.00 EXP 04-21-17
2. JEC 55.00 EXP 04-21-17
have gone down about 40% of their purchase price by this time.

What do you suggest we do?
Would you be advising on next steps in the next week or so?
Thanks in advance for your response.


Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

We still have three weeks before these expire so I’m holding with the expectation that the stocks will move down. I purposely choose options with an expiration date at least one month out to give the stocks time to play out.

black arrow

black arrow

Linda, ACM is definately going down 2.45% to be exact it is in RSI 30-40 area which would be bad for a call but fine for a put. JEC is down 0.85%, and currently at RSI 38.66 good for our goal. Its below the 20 as well as the 50 day Moving averages also good.
Back to ACM it is below its 200 day MA. In case DEREK is reading both are on PMO Sell signals – [note this just means sell it if you are bullish on it]- in our case it should bring a smile to our faces :^)

Frank C.

Frank C.

Hi Linda, The CBI long put (3/24) was the first trade I’ve done from your portfolio. Will you be providing additional guidance between now and expiration, or should I plan my own move if I don’t want to keep it until expiration?
-Happy to be on board. Thanks for your help.

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Hi Frank,
Welcome aboard and congratulations for doing even better on this trade than most subscribers!
I recommended selling it on March 1 for $1.90 or better but it’s currently trading about $3.50. I would sell the option at these prices.
Thanks for writing and again congrats on the nice trade.

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