H&E Equipment and Winnebago Options Go Flat

My timing on the H&E Equipment (NSDQ: HEES) call purchase could not have been worse. We bought the calls just as oil prices were rolling over.

Despite the fact that just a fraction of H&E’s revenue is reliant on new oil discovery the stock traded down with the group. Earnings on Feb. 23 were much better than expected and I still like the stock. A lesson learned is to choose a strike closer to being in the money. These calls have not had much value for some time or I would have salvaged some of their value with a sell earlier. 

The Winnebago (NYSE: WGO) put trade has been incredibly frustrating and disappointing. Despite hearing cautious comments from Thor Industries (NYSE: THO) and most of the RV stocks falling hard, Winnebago only briefly fell below the strike price.

In retrospect I should have sold these puts at a small loss on Monday. Instead I held on thinking it would drop further. The puts expire tonight post close and do not have any time value left in them so will likely expire worthless.

In the unlikely chance that the stock falls below $29, the puts will automatically be exercised and you will be short the stock. If this happens, I would stay short with a $31 stop on the short position. I am still bearish in the near term on the RV stocks as profits are getting hit by higher costs and a slight deceleration in growth.

I take these losses very seriously and am continually analyzing what went wrong in a trade and how to improve our profits going forward.

It is always a rough day for me when we lose money on any trade but I am very excited about several that I’ve just added to the portfolio. The market has shown some cracks recently and I’m sharpening my bear claws to help us make some money even on down days.


Stock Talk

Robert K

Robert K

For me, I decided to close out WGO on Monday for 0.60; a 0.10 loss so, not too bad. At that point the underlying was at or slightly in the money so the option was mostly all time value despite only 4+ trading days left. Meanwhile, sold CBI put on Monday for 3.50, a 220% gain. Thanks Linda!

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Very happy to hear this Robert! Hearing about your gains just made my day!

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Hi Robert, I closed WGO at a very small loss. Congrats on your good trade on CBI.
I find my biggest problem is being too optimistic in general. It affects my logic.




Have you ever rolled any of your options in lieu of closing them out and taking a loss ? If so Id like to possibly roll my WGO and H&E . Any thoughts?

Thank you


Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

To date, I have not rolled options but am considering this. I especially think H&E is undervalued here so like the stock as an outright purchase or as a call position. I am trying to figure out what has held Winnebago up despite the weakness in the group to make sure I’m not missing something.



So is the advice to let WGO expire? IE – do nothing?

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Yes that is the advice. They do not have any value so selling is not an option. It’s possible the stock closes below $29 in which case you will be short the stock. As I said in my alert yesterday if this happens, I would keep the short but put a stop loss limit of $31 on the position.

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

No sweat Linda, we can’t get them all right, all we can do is study/learn why a trade didn’t work out and move on. Trade small and often vs large and few and with your guidance I think we’ll be just fine.


Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Thanks for the encouraging words Derek! Happy to hear you squeaked out a profit in the USCR.

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Decided to get in the [RACE] today.
Partly I did it fer mid -kid the resident car nut ha ha
bet school was not closed in Vegas today due to frzg rain?
Was in way north VT

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Nope, no freezing rain here…. We had perfect golf weather!


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