Sell Alert: Myriad Genetics (MYGN)


Date: November 3, 2016
Name: Myriad Genetics
Symbol: MYGN
Type: Close
Limit: Sell at market 


We are closing out our position in medical testing company Myriad Genetics since it closed below its stop loss level of $16.50 yesterday. The company released its Q12017 earnings report earlier this week that reflected weaker earnings and declining revenue that drove its share price down 15% over the past two days.

We never like taking a loss, but we also know that one of the keys to beating the market over the long haul is limiting our losses on trades that don’t work out. We have several other trades that are working in our favor at the moment that will more than offset this small loss, so I’m closing it out.

Sell Myriad Genetics today at market while its getting a “dead cat bounce”, and roll that money into the new buy alert that I will be issuing later today.

Stock Talk

black arrow

black arrow

Thanks for the close heads up.

Keith Bland

Keith Bland

Unless I’m missing something, I noticed you provide specific percentages when money is made off a stock, but I don’t see percentage lost when money is lost. Will you consider adding this information as well?



If you go to the Systematic Wealth website, you can load/view both an OPEN and CLOSED trade spreadsheet. The CLOSED spreadsheet shows both positive and negative returns. The spreadsheets are located under the PORTFOLIOS menu item.

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

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