Robert Rapier Introduction


Stock Talk

Guest One

Taylor Munroe

Hi Robert, Welcome aboard to the new captain ! I would really appreciate it if you could provide an estimate of the percentage of PER’s distributions that are likely ( a broad layman’s language ” guesstimate ” would be great ) to be tax deferred. Elliott referred to this issue in his 1/25/12 article ” Eagerly Awaiting the IPO of SDR ” as follows ( but never did a followup clarification for SDT PER or SDR on this very important issue as far as I am aware ) ” … Even better non cash accounting charges such as depletion and depreciation mean that the IRS will consider a portion of your distributions as a return of capital, deferring your tax liability. SDR’s initial S1 statement omitted an estimate of what percentage of the Trust’s payment would be tax deferred; amended registration statements will likely contain this information… ” I believe that other readers who purchased units in these trusts at least in part because of Elliott’s clear trust explanation and valuation articles might appreciate this important information as much as I would. Thanks for your assistance. Sincerely, Taylor Munroe

Guest One

Dulany F. deButts

I’ve been subscribing to Personal Finance and
Utility Forcaster for some time and invest according to their advice.The Forecaster has been amazing. Since 1998 I have invested according to Conrad’s advice with only one serious loss. Not quite as well with Personal Finance– there have been several ill advised companies that I have lost badly. I think there too many borderline companies that have been recommended. If I know when to get out of a borderline outfit it would be
mighty helpfull. Well, are you taking over Personal Finance as well as Energy Strategist ? Would like to welcome you aboard.

Robert Rapier

Robert Rapier

@Taylor — We are looking into that issue right now. I will let you know when I know something.

@Dulany — Right now I will have my hands full with The Energy Strategist and The Energy Letter. I may take on more responsibilities down the road, but the current plans are for me to focus on those two for now.

And thank you both for the kind welcome. I look forward to the opportunity.


Guest One

Gordon Parsons

I purchased SDT, SDR , and PER based on Elliott’s recommendations. In the last 2 days, SDT has dropped like a rock, down about 12 percent. Do you have any insight on this? Is there similiar risk in the other two also?

Guest One


Hi Robert – I have been a subscriber of TES for a long time and have done well with Elliot’s selections. I am totally surprised this morning by the realization that Elliot is not there anymore and I see no alert to that effect that I’ve missed anywhere on the website. Can you tell me when this change took place, where Elliot has gone, and when this was announced, if it was? I appreciate total information and look forward to seeing how you operate. Thanks Tom de Uriarte, Nevada

Robert Rapier

Robert Rapier

Hi Tom, The change was announced in an Editor’s Note in the October 3rd Energy Letter. I introduced myself and discussed my background in the October 10th TEL and with a video the same week.


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