New TES Format Questions and Comments

Stock Talk

Brenton Flynn

Investing Daily

If you have questions or comments about the new format ofThe Energy Strategist please let us know here.



What happened to the chat which took place each second Tuesday? Will it take place today?

Robert Rapier

Robert Rapier

It’s going to be delayed by a week this month; then back to a normal schedule starting next month.



Any thoughts on the Venezuela Instability and oil?

Robert Rapier

Robert Rapier

Venezuela is really a train wreck. I have written a number of articles over the years detailing the problems that the Chavez government was setting up by siphoning off money from the oil industry. The oil industry is capital intensive in the best case, but their heavy oil is especially expensive to produce. With oil prices down from a few years ago, they are suffering from not having invested back in the industry and receiving low returns for their efforts.

Venezuela was the 10th leading oil producer in the world in 2015, but despite having the world’s largest reserves (technically, but not really because the heavy oil isn’t economical to produce at today’s price), oil production there continues to decline. As you note, the whole situation is exacerbating instability there, in a country that produces more oil than Mexico, Brazil, or Nigeria. As conditions there worsen, it definitely poses a significant supply risk to the global oil market.



What happened to the “best buy” ratings? Bring them back, please.

Robert Rapier

Robert Rapier

We lost those when we migrated to the new format, but I have asked if we can put them back in the table. The previous list is still in effect, but I was planning on generating a new list for the 2nd half of the year. The list for the first half of the year can be found here:

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