Stock Talk – March, 2015

Stock Talk




What’s going on with ETP? should I buy more or just hold on? thanks, Steve W

Robert Rapier

Robert Rapier

Hi Steve,

Hard to say without knowing a lot more about your overall portfolio, time horizon, etc. However, we do still recommend it. In fact, we are putting together an updated list of Buys, and I expect it to still be one of the favorites after we have compared everything. If you want to dig into more details, try to join our web chat tomorrow. Otherwise, we are aiming to have an update in this week’s TES.



>I would like to ask if you have any updated thoughts re FMSA. Thank

Gary Gluckow

Gary Gluckow

What are your thoughts on total(tot)?
Thank you

Peter Melitz

Peter Melitz

To Whom It May Concern;

I subscribed to your Energy newsletter several days ago with a significant incentive being to learn the name of the large oil and gas company that Mr.Rapier has forecast will be out of business by the end of 2015. However, I cannot find the report that was promised to new subscribers.

Please name the company in question or direct me to the site to find the information.

Thank you.


Robert Rapier

Robert Rapier

Hi Peter,

Under the “Resources” tab above is a category called “Promo Stocks.” That’s where you will find this kind of information. In this case, the company in question is BP. I explained my reasoning in my 2015 Predictions. See Prediction 6:

Cheers, Robert

Phyllis Daggett

Phyllis Daggett

What is your recommendation for LinnCo LLC Com. I own a number of share right now and have taken quite a loss. Should I sell half of the shares or all, or hang in and hope for a turn around? Thank you for any advice. Phyllis / email:

Robert Rapier

Robert Rapier

Hi Phyllis,

We bailed on Linn nearly two years ago when we became uncomfortable with their ability to continue growing the business. We were also spooked by an SEC investigation that in hindsight turned up nothing, but we don’t like issues like that hanging over our investments.

I don’t believe we are going to see a collapse in oil prices from here; if we did you could see Linn decline by another 20%. My expectation is that oil prices are going to stabilize soon above $50/bbl, but will have difficulty returning to $70/bbl for the foreseeable future. That’s bearish to neutral for Linn. At this point I don’t imagine there is a lot of downside left, but it’s also going to have a hard time moving forward without significant improvement in the oil and gas markets.

If it was me, given my personal risk tolerance and investment philosophy, I would probably hang onto the shares at this point and try to sell into a little strength. Selling right now certainly feels like selling near the bottom. Oil prices are showing strength today; if we push back above $60 in the next few weeks I think I would exit Linn.

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