Sell MGPI December Puts for Quick 38% Gain

Sell to close the December 21, 2018 put on MGP Ingredients (NSDQ: MGPI) with a strike price of $75 at $5.60 or higher. Symbol (MGPI181221P75)

Book the quick gain in these puts. I am still bearish on MGPI’s fundamentals but like to book a double-digit gain when we can. Most subs should have a 33-43% gain.

Stock Talk



Filled at $5.60



Sold half of MGPI @ $5.37 for 33% gain.
Holding other half based on Linda continued bearish stance on MGPI fundamentals.


Steve S.

Steve S.

Closed @ $5.40. Thanks Linda.

Again, however, the delayed text alert prevented a higher fill. It arrived over 90 minutes after the first post reporting a fill.

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

I am equally frustrated with the lag between time posted and delivery. I will take it up with powers that be in the IT department to speed up delivery.

Daniel Long

Daniel Long

MGPI BTO Dec 21 75 Put for 3.90 on 9/28/18.
STC Dec 21 75 Put for 5.30 on 10/4/18 at Fidelity.
38% profit in 6 days.
Fun when this happens.
Thanks, Linda



sold remaining half of MGPI at $5.70 for 41% gain
nice to book some profits in a down market

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