Buy Alert: Bank of the Ozarks (OZRK)

June 5, 2017
Name: Bank of the Ozarks
Symbol: OZRK (NasdaqGS)
Type: Open
Limit: Buy below $47

Holding Period: 
3 months
Target Return: 10.6%
Annualized Return:
Target Price: $52
Stop Loss Level: $36

Bank of the Ozarks provides a range of retail and commercial banking services through 250 locations, including offices in Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, Alabama, South Carolina, New York and California. Its deposit services include checking, savings, money market, time deposit and individual retirement accounts. Its loan services include various types of real estate, consumer, commercial, industrial and agricultural loans and various leasing services. Link to company website.

We’ve closed out three positions during the past week, so it’s time to add a couple to get our portfolio back up to ten holdings to maintain proper diversification. Our Rapid Profits Matrix doesn’t see too many large-caps stocks that it likes at the moment, but it is giving us the green light on a couple of mid-caps stocks that have been flying under the radar lately including Bank of the Ozarks.

You may not be familiar with Bank of the Ozarks unless you live within its service area, but it is a $5 billion stock that has doubled in value since 2013. However, OZRK has cooled off over that past three months after spiking more than 50% in the weeks after the November election. I don’t know if it will make it back up to $56 during our target hold period, but it should make it to $52 given its ability to grow revenue and earnings at a faster pace than its price multiples would indicate.

OZRK grew revenue by 36% during the first quarter, while earnings have increased by an average rate of 21% over the past five years. Most recently, quarterly earnings by 28% during the first quarter, roughly 40% above its long-term earnings growth rate of 20.8%. Throw in a profit margin of 40%, and you have one of the healthiest regional banks in the country.

Two weeks ago the company announced a secondary offering of 6.6 million shares of common stock, pushing its share price down proportionately. The proceeds from this sale have been earmarked for “organic growth”, which is intentionally vague but leaves open the possibility that the company may be on the verge of making an acquisition. Given its management team’s excellent track record, I believe such an announcement would push its share price back above $50 once future earnings from such a transaction can be estimated.

The company’s next quarterly earnings announcement is scheduled for the second week of July, at which time I expect the use of proceeds from the secondary stock offering to be revealed. I don’t expect much price movement between now and then, but want to establish this position now before that news may be leaked and starts pushing its share price higher in anticipation of the announcement.

Note: OZRK is optionable, but trades on thin volume so use price limits when entering orders.

Stock Talk

Dramatic License

Dramatic License

I went with the 11/17 $45 Call at $4.

Dramatic License

Dramatic License

…actually looks like it went through at $3.99. 🙂

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

On 1,000 contracts that’s a savings of $10. Go treat yourself to a nice lunch!

Dramatic License

Dramatic License

I guess I should have bought 1k contracts. ;).



I also went with the 11/17 $45 Calls.

Took me longer to get to this alert and I saved a few pennies – got it for $3.70.

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

My OZRK trade:

BTO Nov 45 call (Call debit spread)
STO Nov 50 call
BTO Nov 40 put (Put credit spread)
STO Nov 45 put

I collected $2.08 credit on put credit spread. (2.08/2.92)=71.2%
I paid $2.28 debit on call debit spread. (2.72/2.28)=119.3%
Totals: 4.80/5.20=92.3% ROI

Potential ROI is 92.3%


Dramatic License

Dramatic License

Good day for Systematic Wealth today with OZRK, CARB, and JCAP all making upward moves. I’ll take it!

Fernando Rodriguez

Fernando Rodriguez

Hi Derek,
In the trade that you did (Call debit spread and Put credit spread), would you mind explaining how you get to potential 49.3% ROI. I want to learn.

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Hi Fernando,

Sorry for the late response, somehow I missed your message.

I collected $2.08 credit on put credit spread. (2.08/2.92)=71.2%
I paid $2.28 debit on call debit spread. (2.72/2.28)=119.3%
Totals: 4.80/5.20=92.3% ROI

My original calculation was a mistake, potential ROI is 92.3%


Fernando Rodriguez

Fernando Rodriguez

Hi Derek,
I appreciate very much the details provided. This trade looks good at this point.

Sravankumar Maroju

Sravankumar Maroju

Hi , Jim

Good Morning , I signed up for systematic wealth. I brought arund 60 shares based on alert for UTHR
Right now OZRK is beyond 47 , is it still recommended to buy?

Thanks a lot!


Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Hi Sravan. We stick to our buy limits, so OZRK is no longer a buy since it is trading above $47. I realize most of our current recommendations are trading above their buy limits at the moment (which is a good thing), so I will be issuing at least one new buy alert this week so please be on the lookout for that. Thank you.

Sravankumar Maroju

Sravankumar Maroju

Thank you , Jim.
I have a quick question on Jim Fink’s Presentation , which i got an email today with a special presentation video link. I am not sure whether this is right forum to ask the question related to this here. Apologies if any inconvenience caused.
My question is :
1. I don’t have any idea about options trading .i have no prior experience of option trading & most of the terminologies are very new to me. So , how would it help for a beginner like me, If I join.
Moreover , I already have a membership for personal finance, is this different from something which i took few days back.

Thanks a lot , Awaiting for your response. Have a good day!


Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Please post this question on the PF Stock Talk board so Jim Fink can reply to it there. Thank you.

Sravankumar Maroju

Sravankumar Maroju

Sure , Thanks a lot , Jim.

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Hi Sravan,

I sent you an email.


Derek Myers

Derek: Las Vegas, NV


See any news on OZRK that explains the drop today?


Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Just saw this posted on a chat board, looks like the CEO just resigned very suddenly so may be speculation over the reason why.

July 27, 2017
George Gleason
Chairman of the Board/CEO
Bank of the Ozarks
Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors,
President – RESG and CLO of the Bank.
I have enjoyed being a part of a commercial lending team that has closed over $25B in financings since its inception. While the volume is nice, I am more proud of the fact that the portfolio has been built utilizing incredible discipline (including the utilization of very low leverage with best in class sponsorship). In addition, the team is very talented and experienced.
Thanks again,
/s/ Dan Thomas

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Correction: the banks CLO resigned, not the CEO.

Derek Myers

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Thanks Jim!

Robert Lenzo

Robert Lenzo

Derek Myers

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Thanks Robert!


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