CVS Health (CVS)

Few recommendations have ignited as much “fan mail” as my addition of CVS to the portfolio two weeks ago. And with its next quarterly earnings report coming out later this week, I have a funny feeling there will be more on my way if the news is not good.

But we learned a long time ago to trust our system, which in this case tells us that CVS is oversold and could rebound strongly if its operating results are solid and forward guidance is not pessimistic. With so much bad news already priced into the stock, anything other than worse news could give the stock a lift.

Its share price was pushed down last week when a report surfaced that short sellers were attempting to drown the stock, but after a brief 4% swoon it quickly righted itself. That has to be disconcerting to the folks betting on it to fall, and could result in a “short squeeze” if the stock starts to rally.

You can rest assured I will be sitting in front of my computer at 8:30 a.m. this Thursday when CVS releases its quarterly report. You can throw out all the historical charts and technical analysis on this one; my guess is it is going to move strongly one way or the other based almost entirely on how that news is received.

Stock Talk

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Hopefully, you will get good fan mail on Thursday. lol


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